Germán Vargas Lleras utiliza SIN AUTORIZACIÓN "Baba O'Riley" de The Who en sus campañas políticas.
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Usa los Hashtags #LeyLleras2 y #NoAceptamosLaLeyLleras
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Out here in the fields
I fight for my meals
I get my back into my living.
I don't need to fight
To prove I'm right
I don't need to be forgiven.
Don't cry
Don't raise your eye
It's only teenage wasteland
Sally, take my hand
We'll travel south cross land
Put out the fire
And don't look past my shoulder.
The exodus is here
The happy ones are near
Let's get together
Before we get much older.
Teenage wasteland
It's only teenage wasteland.
Teenage wasteland
Oh, yeah
Its only teenage wasteland
They're all wasted!
Texto del acuerdo TLC Colombia-Estados Unidos
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